Saturday, August 8, 2015

5 Steps to speaking faith over your Life

     1 Always have faith to know that God is opening doors that were closed, positioning you for prosperity, and promoting you for great success.
 2 Be faithful because God is able to carry you through. No matter the situation, choose to be faithful. God knows the situation that you are facing and he wants you to know that he still cares for you. Pray and have faith through it all. Struggles and problems are there at times but God is greater than all your struggles and your fears. You will make it through, just pray and look to the Lord.
  3 There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain that comes against you. With Jesus, you have victory over confusion, depression, fatigue, stress and everything that comes against you.
  4  In times of difficulty always have faith in God to help you, don’t focus on the problems that you face, for they will get you distracted and have you feeling hopeless. Look to the Lord, he will work everything out for you.
  5 Always know that you are valuable to God and he cares about you and he wants the best for you. No matter the problems that we face at times, there is an assurance in knowing that we don’t have to face them alone because God will help us along even through the most difficult pathway.       

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