Wednesday, December 4, 2019

When We Pray

When We Pray,
God listens and he answers.
When We Pray,
We gain strength to go on.
When We Pray,
Distractions got to flee and we stay focus.
When We Pray,
God gives us the ability to be courageous.
When We Pray,
God will make a way and provide for us.

When We Pray,
Our faith get deeply anchored in the Lord.
When We Pray,
Every impossibility will become possible.
When We Pray,
Our faith get stronger.
When We Pray,
The love of God surrounds us.
When We Pray,
We allow God to lead as we faithfully follow.
When We Pray,
God gives us hope and joy.
When We Pray,
We can smile through the struggle.
When We Pray
Every obstacles will roll away.
When We Pray,
Every setbacks got to step away.
When We Pray,
Every hindrances will go and deliverance comes.
When We Pray,
We won't get weary, but we will continue to go on in strength.
When We Pray
We won't try to figure it out on our own but we will allow God to work it out.

When We Pray
We wait with great expectation for great things in God.
When We Pray,
We become optimistic in the midst of challenges.
When We Pray,
Miracles will happen and the blessings of God will follow us
In the midst of everything, never give up hope;
For amazing things happen When We Pray.

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