Sunday, August 21, 2016

Word of the Day/Verse of the Day

Word of the Day


Determination is the courage to go with an optimistic attitude for the best. When you are determine you won't give up when things get rough but you will go on and work harder until you are successful at achieving your goal. At times you might feel like you can't overcome the challenges and achieve your goals but when you are determine you will hold and keep reaching until you achieve success. Determination is built from your struggles and you got to realize that the struggles help to mold you and makes you stronger with the willpower to succeed at your goals. With God as your help, you will have the determination to succeed despite the obstacles that comes your way. Today, no matter the situation, look to God, he will strengthen you and help you to be a successful blessing.

Verse of the Day

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

(Philippians 4:13)

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