Saturday, August 27, 2016

Word of the Day/Verse of the Day

Word of the Day


Encouragement means to be inspire with optimism, courage and hope. Many times along the way we get discouraged with unhappy circumstances that we go through. However, in moments of despair you may feel hopeless and seem like you can’t make it through the difficulties, but you should be optimistic with hope for the best. No matter the circumstances, we should never get discourage because God cares for us and he wants the best for us. We should always encourage ourselves through prayer and reading the word of God and find strength in knowing that with God all things are possible. When discouragement comes, we should never let it prevent us from reaching for our goals. Through prayer and faith in God we know that we can stand on the promises of God and be assured that he will work things out for our good. At times it’s easy to get discourage; however, we should never hold on to discouragement but we should hold to God and let him increase our faith in him. We should always be there to encourage others who are going through difficulties, we should help to bring hope to them. Encouragement helps to bring hope and it helps to bring strength to those who are discouraged. The pathway might be rough at times but through it all, just be still and know that God is there in the midst to guide you through to victory along the way. Discouragement will distract you from the things of God and cause you to be in despair at times, but through it all command your Goliath of discouragement that God is greater than everything that comes to discourage you and command your Goliath that victory is yours in Lord. Today, be encourage that God will take control of your Goliath of discouragement and bring you the victory.

Verse of the Day

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
(1 Peter 5:7)

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